Sunday, February 1, 2009

You Fart Alot! Not cool!

Oh no you bad bad've gone done it again. She's laying right next to me now farting up a tenacious storm. I'll call this set "Hurricane Bob"in remembrance of my old fat cat Bob...I have to get out of this room and wait this one out.


  1. hahaha. I love you....I love our dog also. She is sleeping next too me right now, and snoring really loud. She is great!

  2. Elmo has poor indigestion. Never shy away from bustin' one at my house and pointing your finger to Elmo - I'll believe it.

  3. oh that is foul...but a mental note has been taken.

  4. Hi! I found your blog while looking for other blogs dealing with rabbitry and sustainable living! Feel free to drop by mine and I hope you wont mind I put a link to your blog through mine!
    BTW - We have a chihuahua who farts and burps EXTREMELY loud. Guests never believe us when we say it was the dog! **blush**
